FOs: Socks and a Scarf

Over the weekend I was kinda overwhelmed with life as it was.  Knitting was my refuge as it often is.  Some of the unselfish knitting projects got done.

Socks for Soldiers socks – a friend’s husband is headed to Iraq, and I’m hoping that these socks will be a reminder that folks at home are thinking of him:

SFS 3d

The SFS socks ended up being a pain in the knit, because after finishing the 2nd sock, I realized that the 1st sock had a leg that was 2 inches too short (apparently I can’t measure up to 12 inches). Argh. I attempted “sock surgery – I took out a round at the leg, put the stitches back on the needles, knit the extra two inches. But then I could not graft the 2×2 ribbing together – it’s way harder than stockinette, and the place I was doing it was with Regia stretch on size 0 needles. Was. Not. Happening.

So, I gave up and reknitted the entire foot again on the first sock. Ugh. But they are done, and they are done on time. For that I am truly thankful!
Then, on the opposite end of the scale, I finished a pair of socks for Afghans for Afghans – a basic pair of toe-up socks with some bright colors to cheer:
a4a Vanilla Striped sock1b

But probably the loveliest thing is the Here and There Scarf, knit in Berroco’s lovely Inca Gold yarn in the lovely Verde Azulado colorway:

I made the scarf narrower than the pattern provides (see my project details here on Ravelry), and it is still plenty wide for any normal human being, and plenty long (which will be important for the intended recipient).  It looks and feels like a luxury item, which is the whole point.  (Just ignore the cat dish in the photo to keep up the illusion that I live in a lovely spacious apartment, ok?)

With all of these projects coming to an end, I’ve swatched for Kingscot, and cast-on with the Ultra Alpaca Light.  Am really, really happy to knit for me now!

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